SCRM Sure Critic Phone Interviews

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SCRM Sure Critic Phone Interviews

Post by BGNOBERT »

We just started the Mitchell 1 SCRM with sure critic review.
While the reviews are nice.....we apparently misunderstood the Phone Interview portion.
Thought it was only to phone people to follow up to VERIFY a review if they couldn't match it to the database.
Did not realize they randomly called people and asked for their experience.
We do not care for this portion of Sure Critic.........
Have had many customer's complain they called them during work hours...even on their work phone number.

Not a happy camper with this......have put a call in to our SCRM rep to OPT OUT of this Phone Interview portion of Sure critic.
Haven't heard back yet...
Have any other's had issues with customers complaining of this?
I don't know how many people they call, etc.....
But, Don't like the fact that they do...we prefer to TALK to our customers as we are qualified more to answer any concerns...Not a third party phone interviewer.....

Just interested in other members take on this particular feature of Sure critic...I know a lot of auto shops use it.............
To Infiniti and Beyond
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Re: SCRM Sure Critic Phone Interviews

Post by To Infiniti and Beyond »


Phone reviews are an optional feature. Because consumer review content is the most valuable kind of Internet content for your business, we call with the intention of getting 10 additional reviews per month. We also collect an email address during those calls. If you provide your information at I'll make sure it's handled asap.

Below are the details of the calls.

Thank you for your continue support of Mitchell 1 products.

Brian Warfield
Sr Product Manager

Calls are made:
– Monday-Friday from 10:00am - 8pm (same for all time zones) (8:30 for PST shops)
– Saturday from 9:00am - 3pm (same for all time zones)


May I please speak with Customer Name?

Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is Agent, calling for Client Name. They really appreciate your business, and I'm following up on your most recent service visit. How are you today?

1 - On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being best, how would you rate your overall experience with (Client Name)? (1-5)

1a - May I ask why you chose this rating? (open text answer)

2 - Would you recommend this business for service? (Yes/No)

3 - May we post your comments on our business ratings website? (Yes/No)

4 - For your convenience, (business) would like to make sure you get timely money saving specials by email. Would you like to provide your email address?

Thank you very much for your time.
Brian Warfield
Sr. Product Manager
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Re: SCRM Sure Critic Phone Interviews

Post by timbre4 »

I've just been made aware that the SocialCRM agent has already responded to this customer request and made the change yesterday at 10:36am PDT. :wink:
Tim McDonnell -
Sr. Product Market Mgr / Forum Moderator / Mitchell 1 Media Developer
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