Who Answers In This Forum?

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Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by steveoauto »

As a new member I was directed here to inquire about certain subjects, but I am wondering if this is just a forum of different shop owners or if there is actually someone from Mitchel 1/Snap on doing things about any of these issues? are their ways to figure out if the replies come from another shop owner/employee or from a representative of the software company?
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by timbre4 »

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting. You were likely directed here by tech support; we need them thinking inside the box to keep folks running and run through the outside-the-box requests and training issues here if we can. If you do decide to post some specifics, please post them in an appropriate topic area. Reading the rules first and tips is best - How To Use the forum: http://mitchell1.com/knowledgebase/category.php?id=8

Since this post was not about X-Charge, I moved it to the Tips & Ideas section as more appropriate. I've been moderating this forum for 10 years; I'm assisted by product management, support lead and an expert shop eager to help get more value out of the program. We do our best to answer user questions every day. The forum is pruned on a regular basis so you're not looking at stale incomplete threads. The locals will chime in about the forum.

I would invite you to do some reading as that will likely answer your question. Start with the Enhancement Requests list and note the items that have been addressed (Manager SE DONE). http://managerforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1876
Items that need to be fixed in Manager SE (DONE in SE 6.5): http://managerforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=9794
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by Tim Martin »

I was poking around on this forum this morning and stumbled across this thread. Somehow, when it was posted, I missed it. But it does address one of the issues I have with this forum. Currently it shows that there is over 5,000 members of this forum. The issue I have is that only a small percentage of members actually contribute to it. In browsing through the members list, there is 115 pages of members listed and yet there is only 24 or 25 pages of members names that have responded one or more times, leaving roughly 90 pages of members that do not contribute in one way or another. To be sure, I'd be willing to say that perhaps many of the members that have not ever responded do browse the forum at times, maybe not. But when a new thread is begun, it just about can be predicted who is going to respond and that number will be just a handful of shops.

My question is "How can we get more members to become active participants on this forum so we all can benefit?" Surely there is some very good shops out there with some very top notch techs, managers, shop foremans, service writers, and owners that would have input to contribute with that could be helpful to us all.

In the only other post on this thread, Tim said that the locals will be chiming in. My fellowmen, not a one of us has done so and yet there has been more than 200 times that this thread has had a reader. Wow! Sure, I missed it as well but my question remains, how can we generate more interest in making this great forum an even better one? How can we get more members to become involved?
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by Jeff @ Able Auto »

Let me try to put some perspective on this. First I have a great mitchell rep. But when I point out something on the forum I get the deer in the headlamps look. We can be discussing a Mitchell feature and I may have more understanding of it than he does just from learning here on the forum. So I would say first it needs to be promoted more at sign up and during interactions with the reps. Secondly I would guess that folks dont truly understand the depth of the Forum. And last I would guess that most dont consider the Forum as they believe they can only be helped by tech. That is why many times we will see folks directed here from the tech dept.
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by Rich »

1st - welcome to the forum. You will be taken care of in this place. yes, there are guys in here that have something to do with Mitchell, you may be surprise how "high level" they are they aren't Mitchells janitors. I know there also "tech Support" ninjas in here. As for the rest of us? You will see Ric in here, runs a great shop and knows this program inside and out. Tina comes to mind, she always has incite to share, she is also lovingly called "Mom". We have Steve......you will figure him out soon enough. :wink:

The thing i LOVE about this place, you can ask anything. Your not going to get bashed for something as simple as using the "default" user and not figuring our why you WIP screen wont stick. You have very educated Techs in here to help you think through a automotive issue. You have others (like me) that are just a service writer, but always willing to help when we can. Trust me, looking back I should have a "most stupid questions asked" badge.

Tim, I do understand the "members" to the "active members" difference. I can give you an example. We bought a new snap on scanner, it was red if that helps, and the little screen tapper (stylus) was not sited in so to speak. Seeing I am the building Weapons specialist and computer "tweeker" i tried to get it so when you tapped the screen, what you were aiming at was hit and hot something an 1/8 inch away. I looked every where and found no answers. I did find a forum, i signed up, and made two posts. One was my "how do i?" question, the second was "thank you very much, that fixed it". I have yet to return. That has NOTHING to do with the forum, or how happy I was with it. Actually i am 100% happy with that forum, it just isn't something I need daily. Like this place. The guys and gals have helped my in many ways. I know i can ask a "how do i do this to my car?" and get an answer, i can "how do i change this on my system?" and get an answer. Or I can mention something in the "club house" and get moral support.
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by Tim Martin »

Here in our area, I am totally surprised at how many shops actually work on cars and trucks with absolutely no service information, much less a forum like this. I have met several shop owners and their techs in the last few years and when I mention Mitchell, they look at me like -------- What? What is that? So I tell them. The point I am getting at is that there ought to be a way to get the word out to shops that currently do not have service information and they do not enjoy the experience this forum provides to us as we work. No wonder some of them turn to the things they do. I am not an advertising guru but I'd be willing to bet there is fellows on this forum and within the Mitchell business structure that would do well at advertising for Mitchell. Lets spread the word and partner with Mitchell so we together can improve our business image and reputation by being good at what we do and enjoy what we do.
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by Jeff @ Able Auto »

Anyone that asks I proudly tell them I use Mitchell. Then I try to expound on the benefits. The sad part is many that I know rely on old versions, systems that are sub-par to Mitchell or "google".
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by ARS »

I want to thank Mitchell forum & all the people that answer the questions or statements made on here. While all topics do not pertain to me- a lot do. I try to respond when i can or have something to say. It would be nice to have a like or thumbs up button. I bet you would see more of a response.

Thank you, ARS
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Re: Who Answers In This Forum?

Post by steven kiser »

A bit curious on why the post was revisited since it's over a year old. if old posts like this are activated again because there are new users poking around and management wants to throw this back out fir them to browse in I think that's a great idea. Pointing out posts to surfers hoping that they will likely open and read is a great way to get new contributors. Frankly I'm a bit perplexed about why there are so few of us in the Forum. I can think of six shops that use Mitchell 1 and have no interest in the Forum and what it has to offer and what they can offer it. Trying to catch the eye of someone and hoping that they read more about it and possibly start to contribute is a great idea.

As for the Question itself I always try to answer the Forum at my level. Sometimes the level isn't any where near what a hot topic is and I'll read but not respond. Some of the questions I'll follow closely because I think it may be extremely valuable to me and on occasion I will get answers to questions that I never even knew I needed to ask :o . My meaning is that questions are asked about something my system can do, didn't know it could, really like it, now know how to use it and can put it to good use. My last Bookkeeper asked me questions about the Mangement system and I pointed out the Forum to her and all the answers were there just by looking at and reading certain topics. This is another example of Steve being Steve and somehow getting answers to unasked questions.
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