Create an automated method of archiving text msgs

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Create an automated method of archiving text msgs

Post by GUTHTIRE »

I was told by CRM support that our texts messages needed to archived. While I'm not sure what the impact is of not archiving vs. archiving it would be nice if there was an automated way to Archive. Currently you have to select each text msg thread that you want to archive.
Ideally, the system should automatically archive the text messages, e.g. if last contact was a year ago -> archive.
Alternatively a function like "Archive text msgs from/to" would work or even implementing the capability to manually select multiple texts would be helpful.
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Re: Create an automated method of archiving text msgs

Post by megoff »

Hi there, currently there is no way to automate the archive of text messages in Message Center for SE. To archive you'll need to click the archive once you've highlighted the customer you'd like to archive. If you do not archive messages we've seen Message Center in SE become less responsive and delays with sorting the order.
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Re: Create an automated method of archiving text msgs

Post by GUTHTIRE »

Has there been any additional thought given to automatic archiving of text messages or a way to select a block of texts to be archived. Selecting one @ a time is tedious and the displayed texts reset to the most current, each time you want to archive an old text you have to manually scroll to the end. Selecting a block e.g. month of January, February, etc. would be nice or a pop-up which allows start mm/dd/yyyy and end mm/dd/yyyy.
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Re: Create an automated method of archiving text msgs

Post by timbre4 »

Yes, we've got stories in for archiving in batch; auto-archive to follow later this year if successful.
Tim McDonnell -
Sr. Product Market Mgr / Forum Moderator / Mitchell 1 Media Developer
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