Sales Tax Reporting (Non-Taxable Deduction Types)

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Sales Tax Reporting (Non-Taxable Deduction Types)

Post by dan »

After all these years, I kinda got spanked by Arizona Dept. of Revenue. I have always filed my sales tax using Taxable & Non-Taxable reports and worked just fine. However now they want me to report the "Resale" and "Sales to government" categories separately, since we do a fair amount of both. I've scoured all the reports, played around in the Tax Type settings and could not find a way to make it easy. I called support to define what the report selection names and how they relate to tax categories & all tax settings. After he experimented with a few settings and reports for a long while, all he suggested was at the end of the month, print the "Posted Non-Taxable Order Report, since that gives you all the invoice #'s, I could search the history of those clients and calculate my totals, I guess with a pencil & paper? Not why we have a PC.

Arizona typically is behind the rest of the country, especially neighbor Cali. Hoping someone has already faced this and can offer some help. Or maybe the answer is right in front of me and just don't see it ...... wouldn't be the first time?

Thanks for any advise you have.
Dan Dumbauld

The Auto Shop Inc.
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Re: Sales Tax Reporting (Non-Taxable Deduction Types)

Post by Rich »

I enter my EOD reports into Excel by hand. So I may be zero help. But....can you make a separate "GL code" for parts sold to government? I made one for "parts @ cost" when we sell a part to an employee at cost I tag it and I get it on a separate line in my report I run (Revenue by GL code) at EOD. If you need to know at end of year run the "revenue by GL code" and it should be broken down for you as long as you run the report for the complete year.
Rich Hays
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Re: Sales Tax Reporting (Non-Taxable Deduction Types)

Post by ricmorin »

Please forgive me if this seems over-simplistic. We have no taxes in NH.

Could it be a simple as another tax line for the government stuff? Same rate but applicable only to those government entities. That way it will report out separately?
Ric Morin - Volunteer Forum Moderator, Shop Owner, ASE Master L1
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Re: Sales Tax Reporting (Non-Taxable Deduction Types)

Post by brianp87 »

I have never been asked to do this unless my accountant does it for automatically which I do not see how they could based on what I give them. I do not any longer do government work but a few years back did a lot of it with no issues.
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Re: Sales Tax Reporting (Non-Taxable Deduction Types)

Post by ambertsi »

You can create a "Tax Location" for their account specifically.
Setup >> Standard Tables >> Tax Rate
Put their entity in the Description and leave both of the rates at 0%.

Go to their customer profile and click "Tax" on the bottom left. Make sure the only check mark is on their entity and click "OK". Now, all of their invoices will code to that 0% tax rate.
Reports >> Accounting >> Posted Taxable Orders by Tax Category

If you need to, export the report to Excel and separate them. Just use the search feature to find all of the non-taxed entities that need special designation, copy and paste them onto a new page and save them as whatever you need to. Then save what's left over as your Taxable Report. Just keep every month as one spreadsheet with as many tabs as you need to cover all of the special categories and the regular ones. None of it should mess up your numbers if they're non-table to begin with, it just moves them to a different report but the tax rate is still 0%.

I hope I understood this correctly and that I'm addressing the actual issue. If not, I apologize.
Amber McKinley
Diesel Maintenance, Repair & Performance

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