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Sept 2013 ProDemand Update

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:56 am
by timbre4
This information was emailed yesterday:

Important Update: ProDemand Enhancements Include Maintenance Checklist Printing

Mitchell 1 is pleased to let you know that with the latest release of ProDemand™, printing capability has been added to the Maintenance module, so you can now print checklists including the mileage, timed interval, and any additional services.

In addition to maintenance checklist printing, other enhancements you’ll find in the latest release of ProDemand that improve the user experience and streamline your workflow include:
• Improved session management – clears sessions if you close your browser or browser tab with ProDemand. You no longer have to log out in order to release a license.complete redesign of maintenance overview.
• Ability to de-select shop supplies and hazardous materials from a quote, allowing you to customize the quote to meet local regulations.