Requested Scheduler Deletes

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auto check
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Requested Scheduler Deletes

Post by auto check »

All day job
All day job
schedule example.JPG (184.08 KiB) Viewed 5130 times
All day job
All day job
schedule example.JPG (184.08 KiB) Viewed 5130 times
We haven't received the newest update yet but I hope some of these are part of the update:

-All day job is a useless option: if a scheduled appointment goes into an "all day event" then the schedule block runs into a tiny block at the very top of the scheduler.
We use Technician, resource view mode on the scheduler and empty space means that the technician has open hours to sell work. An all day job should block out all of the technicians time blocks so it is not double booked. With a tiny, barely noticeable block (with nothing but the technicians name on it) our advisors often book in jobs that there simply isn't time to do.
In the attached screen shot it appears that Paul has no work for that day.

- When I'm looking at the schedule for the day and want to look up a customers history that is scheduled in than I cannot look at this without making a work order. I don't always want to make an RO for people that haven't showed up yet. On the old schedule I just clicked on the appointment and had a look at the history. Now I have to close the appointment screen....go into a customer search...locate the customer...then look at the history. If his name is Mike Smith then this takes time but the customer was already identified on the scheduler???

- When I'm in a work order I cant change an appointment, yet the option is there? When I'm in a work order and want to move the appointment to the next day then: I click options, Appointment, and then move the appointment to the appropriate day. It will "sometimes" not allow this because someone is in the order? Of course someone is in the order, that is how I got here? This must be an error.

-Auto adjust time is inconvenient: Can I permanently turn this off? When a job is scheduled for one hour we commonly convert to a work order when the customer arrives. By putting a job on the work order, for one hour, the scheduler will automatically add one hour to the schedule. Now I have to exit (Because I cant change it while I'm in the work order, see above) the RO and manually change the time scheduled.

- "New shop event" - What is the point of this? If I make a shop event for oil arriving today, service advisor leaving at noon, ect...The total scheduled hours grow with this event. A shop event is not a vehicle to be worked on. This must be an error?
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Re: Requested shceduler deletes

Post by Silky7 »

Hopefully we can help you with some of this:

- When I'm looking at the schedule for the day and want to look up a customers history that is scheduled in than I cannot look at this without making a work order. I don't always want to make an RO for people that haven't showed up yet. On the old schedule I just clicked on the appointment and had a look at the history. Now I have to close the appointment screen....go into a customer search...locate the customer...then look at the history. If his name is Mike Smith then this takes time but the customer was already identified on the scheduler???
You can still quickly access history. All you have to do is click on create Estimate. If you're not adding line items at that time, nothing is saved. No harm done. Create Estimate > Click on History.

- When I'm in a work order I cant change an appointment, yet the option is there? When I'm in a work order and want to move the appointment to the next day then: I click options, Appointment, and then move the appointment to the appropriate day. It will "sometimes" not allow this because someone is in the order? Of course someone is in the order, that is how I got here? This must be an error.
I can really best provide the technical background on this. You'll get blocked if you have the order open and try to move the appointment to another technician. The reason is essentially the order is saying one technician is assigned, and the schedule is trying to record something different. There's a number of ways to work around it (changing tech on the order first, leaving the order, not assigning until set) but in that regard you have to see what might work best for you.

-Auto adjust time is inconvenient: Can I permanently turn this off? When a job is scheduled for one hour we commonly convert to a work order when the customer arrives. By putting a job on the work order, for one hour, the scheduler will automatically add one hour to the schedule. Now I have to exit (Because I cant change it while I'm in the work order, see above) the RO and manually change the time scheduled.
Yes, in the current version just go into Configurations > Scheduler Setup > Scheduler Options. You'll see the Auto Adjust Appointment time box can be unchecked there.

- "New shop event" - What is the point of this? If I make a shop event for oil arriving today, service advisor leaving at noon, ect...The total scheduled hours grow with this event. A shop event is not a vehicle to be worked on. This must be an error?[/quote]
Not an error. Scheduled time and Order hours are different. Taking the simplest example I can imagine: Assume you had one technician. Your goal is to schedule him for 7 hours per day. You add a shop event for him to be at the dentist for 2 hours. Do you still have 7 hours of his time to schedule?
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Re: Requested Scheduler Deletes

Post by auto check »

Thanks for the reply! I like it allot better with the auto adjust off.
I disagree with the new shop event though. If I want to book time on the schedule for a tech being away it is just as easy to make an appointment with his name on it.
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Re: Requested Scheduler Deletes

Post by auto check »

The auto adjust option does not stay unchecked? I tried logging everyone out of Mitchell and unchecking the box but after a random amount of time I will find that 'auto adjust' appointment time is active again?
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Re: Requested Scheduler Deletes

Post by Silky7 »

That shouldn't be the case. You're certainly on the right track with closing all stations, setting the value, then close the application on the final machine. When that's done, a globally-used database value is written. As long as the last running instance of the application had it unchecked when closed, the only way for it to revert is for a station to send a different value (back on, in this case).
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