We Like Scheduler - Have Some Questions

Discussions of SE Scheduler/ Appointment Editor
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We Like Scheduler - Have Some Questions

Post by BedfordAutoClinic »

Okay I have a few questions about adding an appointment and some requests or ideas that may or may not have been asked in the past.
I have added a screen shot with colored circles to correspond with my questions, I thought it would be easier this way instead of making multiple post and adding multiple pictures:

1. When right clicking on the schedule to add an appointment and picking either new or existing customer that works fine, you find your customer and you add them, but there is no where on the appointment screen to update said customer information i.e address, phone, city etc. SEE RED CIRCLE for reference

2. You can add canned jobs that I can see but you can not add real problems i.e noise, vibrations etc. Customer comes in for Driver side window not working intermittently
SEE GREEN CIRCLE for reference

3. This is a two part -
A) When you add the canned jobs for example I added three canned jobs totaling over 3 hours worth of work I doesn't adjust even with the auto adjust clicked on notice the 9:00 start time and 9:30 end time it did not adjust automatically I have to manually make it do that, I am not lazy just would be handy to auto populate that SEE YELLOW CIRCLES for reference
B) Also will not show on schedule when you save it what the vehicle is coming in for only shows blank with customer name, it will only show up when you type in comments! Comments should be for Customer has ride, Customer will need ride, Customer is waiting etc. Why use comments to state what customer is coming in for if you have already added your jobs? SEE SECOND YELLOW CIRCLE for reference.

Thanks much, some of this may have been asked in the past or is currently being worked on, I apologize as I do not have the necessary time to investigate that. I also apologize if maybe my training has failed and I am doing something incorrectly then please steer me in the correct direction!

The system is good, but with a dealership background and using some other systems just looking to always stream line process and make things not only smoother but more efficient. So far I like everything that it does.

Thanks again.
screenshot for schedule post.jpg
screenshot for schedule post.jpg (163.25 KiB) Viewed 4303 times
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Re: We Like Scheduler - Have Some Questions

Post by Silky7 »

First off, let me thank you (and user auto check) for taking the time to make well thought out and descriptive posts. Makes it much easier to address. :)

1. When right clicking on the schedule to add an appointment and picking either new or existing customer that works fine, you find your customer and you add them, but there is no where on the appointment screen to update said customer information i.e address, phone, city etc.
You are correct. There is no way to modify customer information directly in the appointment. The idea was that you'd still update the Customer record tab when the customer came in for service. The changes made there will then reflect in appointment (with the exception of the Subject. Subject is a field you can type whatever you'd like in, we just pre-populate with the customer.)

2. You can add canned jobs that I can see but you can not add real problems i.e noise, vibrations etc. Customer comes in for Driver side window not working intermittently
We've always had the intention of adding Symptoms to the appointment editor as well. It does appear you're still one version back from our current release effort. Recommendations are now linked on the editor, and that may help some in this area as well.

3. This is a two part -
A) When you add the canned jobs for example I added three canned jobs totaling over 3 hours worth of work I doesn't adjust even with the auto adjust clicked on notice the 9:00 start time and 9:30 end time it did not adjust automatically I have to manually make it do that, I am not lazy just would be handy to auto populate that SEE YELLOW CIRCLES for reference
B) Also will not show on schedule when you save it what the vehicle is coming in for only shows blank with customer name, it will only show up when you type in comments! Comments should be for Customer has ride, Customer will need ride, Customer is waiting etc. Why use comments to state what customer is coming in for if you have already added your jobs?
3A. You're correct. I am not certain if there was a logical reason to not grow based on the Order hours generated by Canned Jobs. We'll have to review that internally.
3B. As I referenced above, Subject is an open field to you. I know some users like to append brief notes to help with this, like so:
2017-11-17 08_54_30-11_17_2017_LOF_INSP_COOLANT LEAK.png
2017-11-17 08_54_30-11_17_2017_LOF_INSP_COOLANT LEAK.png (39.69 KiB) Viewed 4294 times
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Re: We Like Scheduler - Have Some Questions

Post by BedfordAutoClinic »

1. When right clicking on the schedule to add an appointment and picking either new or existing customer that works fine, you find your customer and you add them, but there is no where on the appointment screen to update said customer information i.e address, phone, city etc.

You are correct. There is no way to modify customer information directly in the appointment. The idea was that you'd still update the Customer record tab when the customer came in for service. The changes made there will then reflect in appointment (with the exception of the Subject. Subject is a field you can type whatever you'd like in, we just pre-populate with the customer.)

MYREPLY: Seems a step could be saved by allowing edits here instead of bouncing out to another screen or waiting for customer to come in!

2. You can add canned jobs that I can see but you can not add real problems i.e noise, vibrations etc. Customer comes in for Driver side window not working intermittently
We've always had the intention of adding Symptoms to the appointment editor as well. It does appear you're still one version back from our current release effort. Recommendations are now linked on the editor, and that may help some in this area as well.

MYREPLY:You are correct we are a step behind and that may help but not necessarily - we are looking for a general labor line to add and put those things in again so not to add additional steps as we are already right there!

3. This is a two part -
A) When you add the canned jobs for example I added three canned jobs totaling over 3 hours worth of work I doesn't adjust even with the auto adjust clicked on notice the 9:00 start time and 9:30 end time it did not adjust automatically I have to manually make it do that, I am not lazy just would be handy to auto populate that SEE YELLOW CIRCLES for reference
B) Also will not show on schedule when you save it what the vehicle is coming in for only shows blank with customer name, it will only show up when you type in comments! Comments should be for Customer has ride, Customer will need ride, Customer is waiting etc. Why use comments to state what customer is coming in for if you have already added your jobs?

3A. You're correct. I am not certain if there was a logical reason to not grow based on the Order hours generated by Canned Jobs. We'll have to review that internally.
Thank You!

3B. As I referenced above, Subject is an open field to you. I know some users like to append brief notes to help with this, like so:
MYREPLY: Again this would save a step as comments and subject in my opinion should be just that, a place to note something other than the repairs - if it would just populate what you put in for repairs would be so much easier.

Thanks so much for replying back really do appreciate the insights, and we are only trying to help not only ourselves to be more efficient but everyone else as well. We realize that everyone will have a different workflow but if you could imagine just going and right clicking and add appointment, update from there, add your jobs, add your recommendations, add additional non canned jobs, system populates accurate labor hours and we click save, all there on the schedule now and you can see without adding comments or other special fields all the work is listed and you are ready for when the customer comes in to make additional recommendations based on mileage, or even resell objected recommendations as you are now face to face and can reinstate and sell value feature and benefits of said services....

Just our two cents.
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