Auto adjust end time

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Auto adjust end time

Post by jace241 »

What does the auto adjust end time button do at the top of the scheduler window? I have tried both checked and unchecked and have not seen a difference

I ask because it would be nice for the scheduler to automatically fix the end time if you put the start time later then the end time that's currently set.

What would be really nice is if you could have a default expected hours for each appt. For example I would set mine to 1 hour. Most things you are doing (especially if they are waiting) are around 1 hour. Oil changes, inspections, some diag etc... That way everytime I schedule someone it would automatically set the end time to 1 hour after the start time. We look at the vehicle and then go from there. If its someone who is going to wait for a 4 wheel brake job THEN I can make that adjustment as needed. If the customer is going to leave the vehicle or If its a engine job, tune-up, timing belt etc I would then check the All day event box.

It doesn't make sense that for every single thing I schedule I have to fight the little date range error pop up and put in an end time.

Also, is there a way to make the match drop off to start time box checked permanently?

Too many inputs. I believe all a person needs is a start time and number of hours. Not a drop off time, end time, a promised time, etc..
I feel like you guys are making the schedule way to rigid and for lack of a better description.....scheduled. I feel like most people would agree that their days are very fluid and change constantly
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Re: Auto adjust end time

Post by ricmorin »

If I'm not mistaken, I believe that 'auto adjust end time' allows the scheduled time duration to grow IF you add labor at the order level. This gives users that watch and monitor their labor assets a way to see how upsells affect their available hours.

You can permanently set the 'match drop off time to start time' by going to Configurations>Scheduler Setup>Schedule Options and check the box there.

The date range error is known and I believe steps are planned to resolve.

I cannot agree with your too many inputs comment. In my operation, I LIKE the fact that my drop off time is different than my start time. I use the schedule to time-load my work, so I want the car here at 8am but I may not have it scheduled to come in until 10. Also consider that before this addition, CRM was pulling the scheduled time and messing with shops work days. That's one of the reasons a drop time was added. Every shop is different. Manager has always done well in providing features that we can all selectively use as we see fit.
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Re: Auto adjust end time

Post by jace241 »

Thanks. Duh. I forget get to check the configuration menu after updates.

For us at least 90% of our customers drop off at 8 or the night before so the drop off time means little. I think a lot of people’s issues with the scheduler could be solved with an expected hours entry and auto fill the end time.

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