Scheduler delays

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Scheduler delays

Post by jhenry »

Hello All,
Curious if anyone else is having a delay issues with their scheduler. Over the past few weeks, my scheduler takes up to 30 seconds to load on any particular day. Software is up to date. This issue is happening on all three terminals.

J. Henry
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Re: Scheduler delays

Post by ShopManTim »

No problem here. Actually, we here appreciate the speed that the program functions. If I have any kind of issue, I am rather quick to call tech support. The tech support from Mitchell has to rank very high on the ladder of the better tech supports out there.
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Re: Scheduler delays

Post by ricmorin »

Check with support on that. Just opened my scheduler from a wireless laptop in 8 seconds.
Ric Morin - Volunteer Forum Moderator, Shop Owner, ASE Master L1
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