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How can I enter payroll deductions for employee purchase?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 10:06 am
by M1EnterpriseTech
Employee purchased parts on a work order, and the invoice was posted "on account" to the employees receivable account. How can I show payments made to the AR through payroll deductions?

To make payments through payroll deductions, DO NOT enter the purchase amount as a payroll advance.
This will add it to the bank account selected in the payroll entry and you do not want that. Instead follows steps below:
  • Go to Setup on the home ribbon
  • Type Payroll Agencies in the search box and select it from left panel
  • Click Add from the ribbon
  • Create a Payroll Agency called " Employee Purchase"
  • Create a liability under Employee Purchase called "Employee A/R"
  • Click Ok
Next payroll entry for the employee, proceed by entering the hours and rate as normal.
Now go to the Payroll Liability section to enter the payment amount to be deducted from
the employee's paycheck using the Employee A/R liability account.

Next you will need to clear the payroll liability of the payment, and offset the entry to the employee's
receivable account using the GL Adjustment tool as follows:
  • Debit the Payroll Liability- Employee | Employee Purchase/Employee A/R account
  • Credit the Employee's Receivable Account
  • Post
This will now show a credit in the Employee's A/R account.
  • Go to Accounting Module on the home ribbon
  • Select Receivables
  • Highlight the Credit /Payment Amount
  • Select Apply Credit from the ribbon.(You can now see the payment and the correct balance due, if any.)
Do these steps for each payment made as a payroll deduction until employee purchase is paid in full.


Please know that when you do a manual entry to a Payroll Liability without an employee selected the system will automatically

create an employee called "Ledger Transactions". You will only see this employee name referenced in Payroll Reports that include

Payroll Liability entries.