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How to return part from a Part Kit?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:21 am
by M1EnterpriseTech
We buy parts in Part Kits because we save when we bundled parts like this, but the problem we are finding is the process to return part of a part kit ( see below for example)

AC Kit 1234 - Comes with 10 parts as a bundle.

Kit is received and a supplier invoice is created for the bundle price of $300.
Condenser is damaged upon arrival - Let's say this condenser will have a credit of $50
Vendor 1 does not have a condenser. We order from Vendor 2.
Vendor 2 condenser price is $75.
In this case, the Work Order is still open. We need to correctly receive and return and be ready to close it to an invoice.

We need to return a part of the kit to Vendor 1 (how?)
We need to receive a new part from Vendor 2 (normal part receive)
Maybe we get Vendor 1 to credit us for the price from Vendor 2, maybe not.

1st Option to Handle this scenario:
  • You can just add a found item inside RGB with adjustment account as “Material Cost” for the Condenser. Then post to payables and cancel out part of the original supplier invoice.
2nd Option is a detailed work around:
  • Buy Kit at $300 - add to ticket
  • Buy 2nd part at $75 - add to ticket
  • Now, createa new material item called "Bad condenser in AC Kit", use the same Supplier Invoice as the kit, pricing: $0 to customer, $0 to cost (we do this because we do not know the amount coming back to us yet)
  • Now delete the part: Bad Condenser - Move to Returned Items
  • Post ticket
1 to 2 to 10 days later when you find out how much the credit will be for the condenser ($50)
  • Open the supplier invoice.
  • Reduce the kit price by $50 credit
  • Increase the Bad Condenser Cost to $50
  • Now supplier invoice is perfect for bottom line cost (it is still the same $300 total)
  • Returned item is correctly tracking $50 waiting to be returned.
Of course, this is process simplified if you know the return cost before the ticket is posted. The tricky part to the delayed pricing is to make sure that the invoice does not get posted as it will lock in the pricing.