Technician Times

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Technician Times

Post by fleetservice »

If you have one technician doing a 10 hour job and he has another tech clock in on that job to "assist" him on the job for say a half hour or an hour and then clocks out of that job.
When I print a tech productivity or business summary report that "assist" tech gets credit for the 10 hours as does the original technician. Is there a way to only give the "assist" time,not the full 10? That way the reports are not skewed ?
It make my life easier to do payroll ?
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Re: Technician Times

Post by ricmorin »

Yeah, it's been like that for quite a while. :cry: The only way to make your reports come out in that case is to split it into two separate labor lines.
Ric Morin - Volunteer Forum Moderator, Shop Owner, ASE Master L1
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Re: Technician Times

Post by fleetservice »

It sure muddies up the invoice by adding lines like that but if there is no choice ................................. that's what has to happen
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Re: Technician Times

Post by ricmorin »

If you're splitting a job evenly between two techs, keep the labor dollar amount but split the time in half, then give each tech half as well and numbers will be ok. It gets 'muddy' when one tech has a very small portion. Maybe someone from M1 can say if this fix is on short range radar, long range or not at all.

To be fair, we don't see a lot of dual tech jobs, but it is a hassle when we do.
Ric Morin - Volunteer Forum Moderator, Shop Owner, ASE Master L1
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Re: Technician Times

Post by fleetservice »

It seems to be the most noticeable on the smaller jobs. It is obvious when you have a second tech log in on an engine job when they help set the engine in and the get credit for the 20 hours when they only have an hour in it. Those are easy to find

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