Be Sure Your EMAIL ADDRESS Is CORRECT When Registering!

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Be Sure Your EMAIL ADDRESS Is CORRECT When Registering!

Post by timbre4 »

In sending out followup message for those forum accts sitting with Last Activity as NEVER, I'm getting a fair amount of emails bounced back with technical failure notices like this:

550 requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
551 not our customer
553 5.3.0 <>... addressee unknown

Solution: Make sure the email address is CORRECT
1) You'll receive the activation email
2) You'll get my followup msgs trying to get you squared away

If you don't know for certain if it's .com, .net, .biz, please confirm BEFORE you register. (Sorry to say, it ain't magic)

Tim McDonnell -
Sr. Product Market Mgr / Forum Moderator / Mitchell 1 Media Developer
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Re: Be Sure Your EMAIL ADDRESS Is CORRECT When Registering!

Post by timbre4 »

Every few weeks I send an S.O.S. email to all registered members with BLANK Last Activity readings to make sure they know that their forum accounts do indeed work and they can begin using them.

When a few of these bounce back, the EMAIL ERRORS become obvious and I correct the ones I can and forward the bounce mail to them and explain that the email setting in their forum act is now also corrected.

Examples include mis-spellings like: verizon entered as verzion

Please be sure to check your typing for transposed charactors before clicking on SUBMIT. Otherwise, you won't receive forum mail including the all important message that contains the activation link!

If you need help, you're always welcome to reach us here:
Tim McDonnell -
Sr. Product Market Mgr / Forum Moderator / Mitchell 1 Media Developer